
O2 O2 Silikon Hidrogel


140 dk Yüksək oksigen keçiriciliyinə  və 45% su tərkibi olan Silikon hydrogel linzalar gün ərzində gözünüzə rahatlıq verər və göz quruluğunu minimuma endirər.


O2 O2 Silikon Hidrogel

  • Perfect for those with busy, active lifestyles
  • Comfortable, easy to wear hydrogel material
  • Breathable lenses keep your eyes healthy and fresh
  • Clear handling tint makes application simple
  • Monthly lenses - wear for up to 30 days
O2 O2 Silikon Hidrogel   O2 O2 Silikon Hidrogel are designed for those with busy lifestyles, who want contact lenses that are easy to use without sacrificing quality vision. Made from the latest silicone hydrogel materials, these lenses, available as a  6 Pack, combine clear vision with a high level of comfort. The lens material allows up to 5 times more oxygen to reach the eye and is built to retain moisture and resist deposit and protein build-ups that lead to discomfort. These three factors combined are what , healthier wear from your contact lenses, whilst leaving them feeling natural and breathable all day long. kontakt linzalar, optik linzalar 140 dk Yüksək oksigen keçiriciliyinə  və 45% su tərkibi olan Silikon hydrogel linzalar gün ərzində gözünüzə rahatlıq verər və göz quruluğunu minimuma endirər.

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-12.00, -11.50, -11.00, -10.50, -10.00, -9.50, -9.00, -8.50, -8.00, -7.50, -7.00, -6.50, -6.00, -5.75, -5.50, -5.25, -5.00, -4.75, -4.50, -4.25, -4.00, -3.75, -3.50, -3.25, -3.00, -2.75, -2.50, -2.25, -2.00, -1.75, -1.50, -1.25, -1.00, -0.75, -0.50, +0.50, +0.75, +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, +2.50, +3.00, +3.50, +4.00, +4.50, +5.00, +5.50, +5.75, +6.00, +6.50, +7.00, +7.50, +8.00, +8.50, +9.00, +9.50, +10.00, +10.50, +11.00, +11.50, +12.00


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